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The Timeless Appeal of Men’s Lace-Up Shoes: A Guide to Lafattio’s Finest

by ROI Magnet 25 Apr 2024

Lace-up shoes for men have long stood as an ideal of classic style and refined taste, combining functionality with an undeniable aesthetic appeal. With a focus on Lafattio’s commitment to quality and craftsmanship, this blog explores the diverse range of lace-up shoes available and how they cater to every man’s wardrobe needs.

The Classic Oxford

Lafattio’s lace-up collection likely includes the quintessential Oxford, known for its sleek design and minimalistic eyelets. Perfect for formal occasions, Oxfords from Lafattio are typically crafted with premium leather, offering both durability and a polished look that complements suits and formal attire.

Versatile Derby Shoes

Derby shoes feature an open lacing system, which provides a wider fit and adds a relaxed charm to the footwear. Ideal for semi-formal and casual settings, Lafattio’s Derby shoes could be available in various textures and colors, enhancing their versatility and appeal.

Stylish Brogues

Incorporating detailed perforations and decorative broguing, Brogues are all about craftsmanship and style. Lafattio’s selection might include both subtle and elaborate designs, suitable for dressing up or down, depending on the occasion.

Contemporary Monk Straps

While traditionally not a lace-up, Monk strap shoes often accompany lace-up collections due to their similar aesthetic and formal appeal. Lafattio’s Monk straps, with one or two buckles, provide a modern twist to the lace-up routine, offering sophistication without laces.

Casual Canvas Lace-Ups

For those casual days or informal outings, a canvas lace-up shoe from Lafattio might provide comfort without sacrificing style. These shoes are likely lighter, breathable, and available in a range of colors and patterns to match the relaxed wardrobe.

Styling Tips

  • Pairing with Outfits: Match classic leather lace-ups with formal wear, while textured or canvas lace-ups can complement casual or semi-formal outfits.
  • Color Coordination: Stick to classic black or brown for great versatility or venture into more daring colors like navy or burgundy for a pop of color in your ensemble.
  • Accessories: Coordinate your shoes with belts, watches, and cufflinks to enhance your overall look.


Lace-up shoes are an integral part of a man’s shoe collection. Lafattio’s range of lace-up shoes for men emphasizes not only the timeless design but also the adaptability of these shoes to modern trends and personal styles. Whether you’re dressing for a meeting or a weekend outing, Lafattio’s lace-up shoes are designed to boost your fashion game.

This exploration into the world of men’s lace-up shoes highlights the fusion of tradition and modern style elements, showcasing why Lafattio’s shoes are a must-have for discerning gentlemen everywhere.

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